AI-Powered Hospital Asset Management

The Product

Conquiro’s AI-based asset management system integrates real-time location tracking, predictive maintenance modeling, and electrical demand optimization to ensure that hospital equipment is always accounted for and running. It enables hospital administrators to make smarter procurement decisions, more informed maintenance schedules, and control the energy consumption of their assets. Most importantly, by providing up-to-the-minute information about the location, movement, and condition of critical equipment we empower nurses and doctors to spend more time caring for patients and less time tracking things down.

Our Mission

At Conquiro, we are on a mission to improve patient outcomes, reduce provider burnout, and streamline hospital efficiency.


Value Proposition Statement

Studies have shown nurses spend an average of 72 minutes per shift looking for equipment. This waste of time contributes to provider burnout, costs hospitals money, and negatively impacts patient care. By giving nurses, doctors, and administrators precise information about the location and status of all equipment in a hospital, Conquiro allows them to reclaim this time and reinvest it into positive patient outcomes.


How it Works

Our system wirelessly and automatically tracks the location of equipment throughout a hospital. It then sends information such as the location, status, and electrical draw of each piece of equipment to a central server, where our software monitors this information and uses AI-powered algorithms to design predictive maintenance schedules and detect anomalies that indicate equipment failure and security issues. Administrators are presented with a dashboard that displays information about equipment location, status, maintenance needs, and more. Clinicians are given a mobile-based application that locates and navigates to the nearest equipment that meets their needs.

Use Cases

digital healthcare / smart health devices / iot technology in me

Title: Real-time Asset Tracking and Management in a Hospital

Actors: Hospital Staff, Asset Management System


  1. Asset Registration: When a new asset (like medical equipment, devices, or supplies) arrives at the hospital, the staff registers it in the Asset Management System, entering details like asset type, manufacturer, purchase date, expected lifespan, and maintenance schedule. The asset is then tagged with a Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag.
  2. Asset Deployment: The asset is deployed in the relevant department. The Asset Management System records the location and the staff responsible for the asset.
  3. Real-time Asset Tracking: The Asset Management System continuously tracks the location of the asset using the RFID tags and updates the asset’s location in real-time. The system can create geo-fence assets to alert security when equipment leaves its designated area.  This helps in preventing asset misplacement and theft.
  4. Maintenance Scheduling and Tracking: Based on the maintenance schedule of each asset, the Asset Management System alerts the relevant staff when an asset is due for maintenance. and where the assets are located.  Post-maintenance, the staff updates the system about the maintenance completion.
  5. Asset Lifecycle Management: The Asset Management System keeps track of the asset’s lifecycle stages – procurement, deployment, maintenance, and retirement. This helps in planning for asset replacement and budgeting.
  6. Reporting and Analytics: The Asset Management System provides reports and analytics on asset utilization, maintenance schedules, lifecycle stages, etc., aiding in strategic decision-making.


  • Improved patient outcomes
  • Reduced clinician burn-out
  • Improved asset utilization and lifespan through timely maintenance.
  • Prevention of asset loss through real-time tracking.
  • Better budgeting and planning through lifecycle management and analytics.
  • Increased staff productivity by reducing time spent on searching for assets.

This use case can be further customized and expanded based on the specific needs and workflows of the hospital.

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Who We Are

Dr. Timothy Coffin
Dr. Timothy Coffin

Dr. Timothy Coffin is a global startup executive, AI innovator and expert in health informatics.

McLean Cozine
McLean Cozine

McLean Cozine is a software engineer who has worked in startups and established enterprises from New York to Hong Kong.

Michael Warner
Michael Warner

Michael Warner is an experienced startup founder with a strong background in data analytics and AI.

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