Dr. Timothy Coffin is a global startup executive, AI innovator and expert in health informatics.
Loss, theft, and unplanned failures of medical equipment cause nurses to spend 72 minutes per shift searching for equipment and cost hospitals an average of $4,000 per bed per year. This puts patients at risk, contributes to increased clinician burnout, and is responsible for up to $12 billion annually in lost revenue.
Conquiro’s AI-powered, enterprise-level desktop and mobile apps track and locate hospital equipment in real time, preventing loss, streamlining maintenance, and helping clinicians deliver better care.
By giving clinicians, maintenance staff, and administrators precise information about the location and status of all equipment in a hospital, Conquiro allows them to make better strategic decisions, keep equipment running, and provide better care.
The Conquiro product consists of a series of RFID tags and readers that are placed throughout a hospital and onto equipment within that hospital. The tags and readers automatically track the location of equipment throughout the hospital and send that information to a central server, where our software uses AI-powered algorithms to design predictive maintenance schedules and detect anomalies. Dashboards then display information about equipment location, status, maintenance needs, and more while a mobile-based application locates equipment and navigates clinicians and maintenance staff to it as needed.
Dr. Timothy Coffin is a global startup executive, AI innovator and expert in health informatics.
McLean Cozine is a software engineer who has worked in startups and established enterprises from New York to Hong Kong.
Michael Warner is an experienced startup founder with a strong background in data analytics and AI.